
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. ~Ray Bradbury

The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

Fiction is a lie, and good fiction is the truth inside the lie. ~Stephen King

Monday, January 18, 2010

I have a dream...

Ha Ha it's Martin Luther King day! But I'm honest to god talking about this crazy dream I had last night.  It has nothing to do with Dr. King.

So I had this dream where me and a bunch of my friends (actually my best friend and a bunch of faceless random people) went to my friends summer cabin (which in real life does not exist) for a night.  There was no electricity or anything so we decided to go to her friend's house next door.  These people lived there full time.  Well in my dream the guy that lived there was in love with her since they were kids and she loved him too.  The overall feeling of the dream was pretty creepy.  The house also had no electricity, and everything was dark but in a calm, not scary way. Everything felt serious and almost sad.  That's because this kid was dying and we all knew it.  Well my best friend ends up going off to have sex with this kid.  Then when that's over we all go back in the house (we had been in the hot tub) where this kid is in his room sleeping.  All over the house was posters and brochures about this kid dying and what he is like that his father allegedly created.  It skipped to the morning when not only is it still dark but he is dead and we are all sad.  But wait, his parents come home from where ever they were and tell us that he has been dead for months.  So you would think it was a ghost story except that his body is right where he fell asleep the night before.  I tried to take something of his to give to my friend and it felt like some ghostly presence was pick-pocketing me.  So I put it back.  Oh and that kid didn't talk through the whole dream.  He communicated with nods and looks. That's it.

So analyze THAT dream for me.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So I just read my last post and then the one before it. Just after ranting about how dramatic high schoolers are, I joined this whiney group by crying over a lost friendship (see "broken")
I am now very irritated with myself.


Without your arms around me I no longer feel small.
Without the smile in your eyes I no longer feel joy.
Without seeing your grin I no longer know how to.
Without the warmth of your body next to mine I am always cold.
And without your friendship I will never again feel whole.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The End of The World

Why is everything in high school a crisis?!  Every little thing that goes wrong is treated as a tragedy.  Your girlfriend/boyfriend breaks up with you?  Oh that means you should pout and just be plain nasty to everyone you come in contact with for a week, until you get to the "I hate my life" crying stage.  Don't agree with what a teacher is saying? Oh that means you should talk about how much you hate them and want them to drop dead.  Seriously, why does everyone have to be so dramatic?  Other than providing a way to get you into college, high school is not important.  Nothing that happens will be relevant to your life as an adult.  So why must we treat everything like the end of the world?

Monday, December 14, 2009


So I just went through a bunch of settings and realized that I can make a blog with more than one author on that.  You'd think that I would have discovered this already since I have read blogs with multiple authors before.  It just didn't click.  I started getting all these ideas about blogs my friends and I can have, only then to realize that nobody really cares about what I have to say.  I got all excited about it and now I feel particularly stupid, and therefore felt the need to tell you about it.


I will post quotes like Tom will post poetry. Quotes are my thing :) Just a heads up.
Ello Tom!

Friday, December 11, 2009

So I have this crazy dream to go to college...

And I REALLY need scholarships. If I invite friends to this website and THEY earn scholarships, then I will get scholarships of the same amount they've won. So please help me out here. :)